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Author: Bob

Haven of Echoes – Memento Vivere

I found it difficult to select my favourite tracks on this album because they are all excellent. So, I just picked the two longest ones, because you get more bang for your buck with those! When I reviewed their first album, I scored it 9/10 but this one is getting a 10.

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Oceans of Slumber – Where Gods Fear to Speak

This album is definitely going to be in my album of the year contenders list as I cannot fault it in any way. I don’t dish out full marks very often, but I have no option but to do so in this case. I have a new band to follow, and they have a new fan.

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Kingcrow – Hopium

This is album number eight for Kingcrow, who knows where album number nine will take them. Maybe into darker and stranger realms.

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Sunburst – Manifesto

It’s hard to beat great vocals and stunningly dexterous guitar playing backed up by a solid rhythm section. There are no doubt reasons why they have only produced two albums in 14 years. I hope the next one will be released before too long. If it’s as good as “Manifesto,” it will be well worth waiting for.

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Ghost on Mars – Out of Time and Space

Well, what can I say? This is a stunner of a debut album. I can’t help thinking that these guys are perfect for festivals such as Progpower Europe. I would certainly welcome a chance to see them live. What have the Romans ever done for us? Need you ask? It goes without saying that I am looking forward very much to future works from them.

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Cypecore – Make me Real

This band probably should be better known, they have a cool image and an interesting concept, almost a brand. By all accounts their live shows are something to behold. Whether I get to witness that remains to be seen, maybe not. Regardless, there is a back catalogue to investigate and possible future episodes of Cypecore to look forward to.

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Omnivide – A Tale of Fire

The mix of styles in the material on “A Tale of Fire” speaks volumes to me. Debut albums are always a great stepping stone for bands, and I hope this landmark moment will spur them on. I am sure they have plenty of ideas in their locker and I look forward to hearing more from them.

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Shadowpath – The Aeon Discordance

For me, this is a band that stands out from the crowd and “The Aeon Discordance” gets better with each listen. Their compositions are diverse and vibrant and have the ratio of ingredients that closely match my current musical taste. I hope this album will propel them to greater things and I look forward to hearing more from them.

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Big Big Train – The Likes of Us

I have discovered a band that I already knew about and had chosen not to investigate before. That was a mistake, oh well, you live and learn. I can’t promise to investigate all their back catalogue, but I now feel better equipped to enjoy the show later this year. Big Big Train seem to have a new lease of life and have the bit between their teeth. I think the future looks bright for them.

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North Sea Echoes – Really Good Terrible Things

If you are a fan of Fates Warning and/or Jim and Ray’s side projects, this is an unmissable addition for your collection. It should appeal to many people, and I would be surprised if this is the last of North Sea Echoes. There will surely be a demand for more.

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A Somerset Parade – Carcosa

It took me a few listens to appreciate the entirety of this album. It is creepy, angry, and melodic with a gothic concept to boot. The band isn’t afraid to experiment and have the capacity to do that. Who knows what will be in store for them, but I for one can’t wait to see what that is.

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Exocrine – Legend

This is another one of those bands that have passed me by until now. Legend is their fifth album in just under ten years. So not only is there a back catalogue to explore, but it shouldn’t be too long before album number six. Bring it on I say because the pros far outweigh the cons on this release, so it’s thumbs up from me.

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Vipassi – Lightless

The more I played the album, the less I found I could criticise. I wonder if there will be more from this band, I certainly hope so. I also hope I get the chance to see them live. I have stopped having a bucket list of bands to see, it is never going to be empty.

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Caligula’s Horse – Charcoal Grace

January is certainly serving up some sumptuous fruits, and this is another strong contender for my AOTY 2024. In these terrible times (was it not ever thus) where news is rarely good, releases such as this sustain me. They help to hold back pessimistic thoughts and long may it continue. The song writing is sublime, the execution flawless, and the urge to play the whole thing over again is inescapable.

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No Terror in the Bang – Heal

This genre changeling of a band with their kaleidoscope range of styles are a breath of fresh air. It is only 2 weeks into the new year, and I do believe I am looking at an early contender for my album of the year.

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Genus Ordinis Dei – The Beginning

This album grew on me the more I played it. There is much more variety within its 12 tracks than it first appears as well as melody. It has been three years since their previous release. Whilst that is not too long compared to some bands, I hope they are already working on the next one.

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Temic – Terror Management Theory

Albums that impress me this much are rare but not unknown. This debut by Temic is outstanding and I have felt honoured to have had the chance to express my views on it. My appetite is well and truly whetted, and I am now hungry for more, so I hope that won’t be too long coming.

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