ProgPower Europe interviews: Omnerod
This is a series of short interviews ProgPower Europe did with some of the bands billed for the 2023 edition of the festival, to happen between 6 and 8 of October 2023, in Baarlo, The Netherlands.
Omnerod from Belgium just released their 3rd album “The Amensal Rise”, highly praised for their intricate mix of subtle melodies with death metal, jazz, electronic sounds and everything in between. We also had the honor to have them in our 3rd The Progspace Online Festival. We’re stoked to finally seeing the guys live at ProgPower Europe 2023! Don’t miss out and get your tickets now!
This is your first performance at ProgPower, how did you get to know the festival?
Speaking for myself (Romain) I believe my first encounter with ProgPower was through youtube videos of ProgPower USA sets, over 10 years ago. I remember vividly discovering how amazing Haken were in a live setting, checking out their Celestial Elixir performance at the 2011 edition of PPUSA, or checking out Ihsahn’s performance of On The Shores (and maybe discovering Leprous in the process?) at the same edition.
What are your expectations of this year’s ProgPower?
It’s an absolute honour and privilege to be playing in front of so many prog-lovers, with whom I’m sure we share a lot of musical DNA. We’re aware a lot of people in the audience probably won’t know what we’re about, yet will be listening to what we have to offer with an open mind, and that’s the best setting we can ever hope for as far as live shows go! Also and mostly, we simply can’t wait to join the crowd as soon as our set is over to check out all the other amazing acts we’re sharing the bill with!
Being able to meet the members of a band that is playing is one of the things people appreciate at ProgPower Europe. What would you say to visitors that would like to meet up after the show?
We absolutely can’t wait to meet you all and nerd out about anything prog, rock, metal, prog-rock or prog-metal related ! Also, as most of us in the band are low-key introverts, keep in mind we’re just like spiders: probably more intimidated by you than you are intimidated by us. However, this won’t stop us from sharing a beer, a coffee or a hug with anyone willing to do so!
What other bands in the ProgPower Europe 2023 line-up are you looking forward to?
Short answer is: all of them, that line-up is absolutely stunning. 🙂 More specifically however, we’re super impatient to finally be sharing the stage with our buddies in Obsidian Tide and Ihlo, with whom we’ve been in contact for years now. We’re more than ready to be blown away by their respective sets! Personally, I’m also a big Wilderun and Dordeduh fan, so I can’t wait to see them again. Also very curious about my first time seeing Maraton and Earthside live!
Anything you really would like to share with our audience?
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for being so passionate about progressive music! Some of us in the band have been among the ProgPower crowds a couple of times in the past, and it’s such a privilege to now have the opportunity to be on stage, playing for you beautiful people. We’re all in this together, and we’re all connected through our love of live music and weird art.
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