End of The Progcast cooperation
For the last two years, we have presented The Progcast and have been the platform for their social media outreach. This gave us both the chance to reach new audiences with our content. However, at this stage, The Progcast and production company Stewis Media have decided to move in another direction and to build and market their own brand, including social media. We have therefore decided to make a split and The Progspace and The Progcast will thus be going their separate ways as individual entities.
Here at The Progspace we are currently working on lots of content, including new exiting multimedia content, to share with our followers, so please keep your eyes and ears open, and stay tuned for news from us here on Facebook, as well as on theprogspace.com and our other social media channels.
We want to thank The Progcast for a long and fruitful partnership and wish them luck with their future endeavours. For anyone following them: your podcast feed will stay the same, but will no longer be available through The Progspace website, Youtube channel or social channels.