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Euroblast 14 Preview

Euroblast 14 Preview

For those of you who have been leaving under a rock, or refuse to consider other plans for that specific weekend in October (wink wink), in just a few weeks the 14th edition of Euroblast Festival will be taking place. In the iconic Essigfabrik in Cologne, Germany, 36 bands that can be categorized as adjective progressive genre will be gathering to share with fans and play some amazing shows during the long weekend after German Reunification is celebrated, namely October 5-7. But Euroblast is much more than that, having become throughout the years an annual meeting point for artists, instrument manufacturers, music industry reps and fans alike, attracting visitors from all over the world. Surely the testing booths from festival partners like Kemper and Ibanez will be very busy with musicians of all levels trying some gear and checking out.

With virtually no overlap between the 2 alternating stages, it is quite possible to enjoy every single band playing during the festival if one were so inclined (and didn’t need to eat or go to the bathroom). And this year that might be not only possible but also mandatory with the bands populating the lineup. To wit:



The ProgSpace will be at the festival reporting on the goings-on, taking pictures, interviewing some of the bands and writing a review, so if anyone spots me come and say Hi.

More info about Euroblast 14 can be found here.

About the Author

Luis Gerardo

Luis Gerardo is a Venezuelan-born German who enjoys playing guitar and bass in his bedroom, and going to any concert or festival happening anywhere near wherever he happens to be at the time. He occasionally writes concert reviews, and occasionally records half-assed covers of metal songs to put on his Facebook page. His biggest fan is his mom.

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