Omnivide present crushing playthrough video for “Opulence”
Moncton, Canada’s Omnivide is a dynamic metal force formed in 2020 by members of the Sunbird project, and they are gearing up for the release of their debut album, “A Tale of Fire”, scheduled for March 22nd, 2024. Breaking away from paying homage to others to enter the realm of original music, Omnivide fuses progressive metal, death metal, and melodic/symphonic metal into a grandiose, brutal, beautiful, dark, and melancholic sonic experience. Their latest single ‘Opulence’ comes with crushing band playthrough video and is sure to draw in metal fans with a wide range of backgrounds.
The band comments:
“This song is one of the most in-your-face and brutal on the album, having much less of the orchestral elements present throughout most of the songs, as we wanted to have a song that stood in contrast to the rest of the album and provided variety in the pacing and sonic content of the tracks.”
The relentless energy of the music matches the lyrical content, which describes how humans came from the earth but are now polluting it and over-consuming its resources to the point of changing the global climate. It paints a metaphor of humans being gluttons that are taking pieces of the earth for themselves with no self-control or regard for the planet, and the earth shifting from being a fertile ground for human life to actively trying to eradicate a species that has essentially become a parasite.
Omnivide’s goal is to have their music illustrate the brutality and destructive power of nature, which can and will defend itself when threatened, and does so in a ruthless manner that is almost incomprehensible to our human minds. ‘Opulence’ serves as a prime example of their musical diversity, with its relentless energy and thought-provoking lyrics.
Watch the music video right here:
Omnivide added the following thoughts about the upcoming debut album “A Tale of Fire”, which is scheduled for release on March 22nd and can be pre-ordered via the band’s Bandcamp page:
“We think people who either have heard us live or are discovering us for the first time will at the very least view the album as something original, and often not following common metal tropes. It’s not to say that we don’t have some more typical riffs or that we are reinventing the wheel, but our song structures are very progressive with less straightforward repetition, as we instead focus on evolving musical motifs and concepts throughout the songs in a way that binds them together. We think people who enjoy prog will enjoy that form of songwriting.
With this album, we are trying to provide a musical journey that people can listen through from start to finish while remaining engaged. The highs and lows in intensity and the various emotional tones of the songs, which range from dark and brutal to emotional and beautiful, provide contrasts that keep things interesting and moving. We are trying to cover lots of grounds musically, as we are all fans of progressive music, ranging from the 70s until today, in which a common element is this feeling that a complete story is told in each album. We want listeners to feel the pure excitement and energy of our heavier sections, and moments later vibe to a beautiful clean section, and have the compounding effect of those contrasting parts result in a unique experience that is deeply satisfying and rewarding musically.”
Album Recording Credits:
All songs performed by:
Samuel Frenette (Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Vocals, Bass)
Nicolas Pierre Boudreau (Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Bass)
Marc-André Richard (Drums)
Samuel Lavoie (Keyboards)
All songs written by: Samuel Frenette and Nicolas Pierre Boudreau
Produced by: Samuel Frenette and Nicolas Pierre Boudreau
Mixed and Mastered by: François Fortin – La Boîte Noire
Album Artwork by: Marcel Leblanc

Omnivide (Picture by Deepti Suddul)