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The Progspace Awards 2022

Tag: Prog Metal

The Mourning – Hush

“Hush” displays a lot of compositional variety, and offers a strong throwback to prog metal classics while also keeping a unique sound and mixing in unexpected elements.

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Cynic – Ascension Codes

“Ascension Codes” isn’t for the faint of heart. It takes an open mind and a lot of dedication and perseverance before it unveils its otherworldly and ethereal beauty.

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Progtalks Interviews Rasmus Revsbech (Franklin Zoo)

For the last interview episode of the year, we called Franklin Zoo frontman Rasmus Revsbech in the outskirts of Denmark to talk about the origins of the band, the development over the years and of course their brand new album “The Dandelion Child”.

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Progtalks Interviews Alex Pilkevych – Ep. 33

Solo artist Alex Pilkevych called from Wroclaw, Poland to have a nice Progtalk with host Dario about his new EP “That Way Lies Madness”, his musical influences over the years and scaring old ladies riding a bike, covered in mud and paint.

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What’s Hot?! – Our latest Weekly Playlist

Releases of the Week – Spotify Playlist

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ico-2 We’re a group of Prog-lovers who started a journey to share with you our thoughts about albums, concerts, tours and festivals, the photo galleries of the Prog concerts we visit, as well interviews with upcoming or established musicians or prog-related people. Follow our Facebook page for frequent updates and news around the Progniverse.

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