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Author: Bob

Blighted Eye – Wretched

The group is hard at work crafting what will become their first full-length album sometime in the future. The evidence here is that it will be something to look forward to, let’s hope it’s not too far into the future.

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Slice the Cake – Live at Home

Hopefully, this kind of album will be a rare thing. As good as it is, it has only been brought about by the awful situation that this year has thrown at us. This will do for now, but I am looking forward to watching them perform this material live in the flesh.

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Isle of the Cross – Excelsis

There seems to be a trend with these multi-instrumentalists, to give us multi-genre music on their albums. It is a well thought out and well executed album and I hope we see more of this project.

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Inferi – Of Sunless Realms

If the material for the new album is of the same calibre as this EP, then we may well have a truly epic album to look forward to. If this band continues to evolve in this direction there will be no stopping them.

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Gazpacho – Fireworker

In the absence of their live performances, this excellent album should keep you satisfied for now. Gazpacho remain vivacious, evocative, and imaginative after all these years and long may that continue.

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Cult of Lilith – Mara

This album deserves full marks because of the excellent production, superb musicianship, and great innovation. It is unbelievably good for a debut album. It leaves you hungry for more.

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ico-2 We’re a group of Prog-lovers who started a journey to share with you our thoughts about albums, concerts, tours and festivals, the photo galleries of the Prog concerts we visit, as well interviews with upcoming or established musicians or prog-related people. Follow our Facebook page for frequent updates and news around the Progniverse.

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